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Effective marketing and sales in the digital world

LinkedIn HubSpot Lead Generation Digital Selling

Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 15 min

Leveraging HubSpot and Sales Navigator for Prospecting on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a key social media platform for professional networking, especially if you're operating in the B2B model. It's not only marketers in charge of managing social media who find valuable...

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B2B Marketing Marketing Automation Lead Generation

Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 9 min

Lead scoring. What is it and how to create it in B2B?

If you work in sales, you have probably come across the concept of lead scoring, which involves the point-based assessment of potential customers. The functionality enabling lead scoring is, for...

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Marketing Automation HubSpot Lead Generation

Max Vorozhtsov

Czas lektury: 6 min

Using HubSpot to Create an Effective Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing is a powerful tool in any modern marketer's arsenal. It allows you to connect directly with your audience, nurture leads, and drive conversions. To make the most of your email...

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B2B Marketing Lead Generation Strategy

Łukasz Kosuniak

Czas lektury: 12 min

Create quality leads and sales opportunities

Most B2B marketers declare that their most important job is to generate leads. However, we use many definitions of a lead and this can create serious problems in communicating with sales departments...

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