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Effective marketing and sales in the digital world

CRM Strategy

Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 6 min

5 Signs Your Company Should Implement CRM

In today's increasingly competitive business environment, success is not solely determined by the product itself, but also by effective data management and customer relationship building. Optimizing...

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Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 7 min

CRM or Excel? How CRM is Different from a Simple Database

If you're a business owner or even remotely involved in customer-related activities, you've likely come across the term CRM. Perhaps you primarily associate it with a database where sales...

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HubSpot CRM

Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 12 min

HubSpot vs Pipedrive: A Comprehensive Comparison of CRM Systems

CRM, Customer Relationship Management, is a system that can significantly contribute to the growth of your sales activities by effectively managing data and interactions with customers. Once you...

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HubSpot CRM

Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 8 min

CRM: Streamlining Customer Relationships for Business Growth

What is CRM?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management, which refers to managing customer relationships. CRM is a strategy and a set of systems (CRM platforms, CRM systems) that allow...

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