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Effective marketing and sales in the digital world


Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 5 min

CRM annoys me! What should be the least annoying CRM?

Do you love all the systems you use at work? If so, you're a true lucky one. Unfortunately, many companies still struggle with using either too many tools or tools that are too complicated. CRM...

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CRM Strategy

Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 6 min

5 Signs Your Company Should Implement CRM

In today's increasingly competitive business environment, success is not solely determined by the product itself, but also by effective data management and customer relationship building. Optimizing...

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Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 6 min

HubSpot CRM and Sales Hub. What is the difference?

Looking for a professional CRM that will allow you to manage your database more efficiently? Or perhaps you're already at a stage where CRM is the starting point for improving sales efficiency?...

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Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 7 min

CRM or Excel? How CRM is Different from a Simple Database

If you're a business owner or even remotely involved in customer-related activities, you've likely come across the term CRM. Perhaps you primarily associate it with a database where sales...

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HubSpot CRM

Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 12 min

HubSpot vs Pipedrive: A Comprehensive Comparison of CRM Systems

CRM, Customer Relationship Management, is a system that can significantly contribute to the growth of your sales activities by effectively managing data and interactions with customers. Once you...

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HubSpot Email Marketing

Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 6 min

Can HubSpot Replace Email Marketing Tools? Let's Find Out!

In the digital age, email marketing has become an essential tool for businesses to reach and engage with their customers. Among the thousands of available MarTech tools, a significant portion...

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HubSpot CRM

Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 8 min

CRM: Streamlining Customer Relationships for Business Growth

What is CRM?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management, which refers to managing customer relationships. CRM is a strategy and a set of systems (CRM platforms, CRM systems) that allow...

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HubSpot Artificial neural network

Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 8 min

A Customized CRM Powered by AI. How HubSpot Is Evolving

HubSpot was created as a comprehensive and user-friendly CRM. Its idea was to facilitate building relationships with customers through intuitive handling and gathering all data in one place....

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HubSpot Sales

Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 6 min

More Efficient Prospecting with SalesHub. HubSpot's New Features

Prospecting, which involves finding and identifying potential customers, plays a crucial role in the work of every salesperson. Market analysis, customer behavior analysis, as well as active...

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Content Marketing Strategy

Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 7 min

What is RevOps and How Can It Help Your Company?

Methods of managing a company must constantly evolve to adapt to changing conditions. Technological advancements, shifts in customer habits and expectations, new sales models, and increased...

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Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 5 min

How to Use Automated Sequences in Sales?

If you're in sales, looking for clients through social media, sending cold emails, or conducting online prospecting activities, you've probably noticed that most potential leads don't respond to your...

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