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Effective marketing and sales in the digital world

HubSpot HubSpot CMS

Max Vorozhtsov

Czas lektury: 7 min

Why Your Website Needs HubSpot CMS?

I already touched the point why HubSpot CMS is good for marketers, but now let's take a look from different angle. CMS plays a pivotal role in creating and maintaining websites, that have to be ...

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HubSpot Artificial neural network

Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 8 min

A Customized CRM Powered by AI. How HubSpot Is Evolving

HubSpot was created as a comprehensive and user-friendly CRM. Its idea was to facilitate building relationships with customers through intuitive handling and gathering all data in one...

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HubSpot Sales

Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 6 min

More Efficient Prospecting with SalesHub. HubSpot's New Features

Prospecting, which involves finding and identifying potential customers, plays a crucial role in the work of every salesperson. Market analysis, customer behavior analysis, as well as active...

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Content Marketing Strategy

Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 7 min

What is RevOps and How Can It Help Your Company?

Methods of managing a company must constantly evolve to adapt to changing conditions. Technological advancements, shifts in customer habits and expectations, new sales models, and increased...

Najnowszy post
HubSpot HubSpot CMS

Max Vorozhtsov

Czas lektury: 8 min

Unveiling the Top 11 HubSpot CMS Features for Marketers

I have always told that HubSpot CMS was built for marketers or, at least, "with marketers in mind", because marketers have to deliver compelling experiences and drive results. In this blog post,...

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Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 5 min

How to Use Automated Sequences in Sales?

If you're in sales, looking for clients through social media, sending cold emails, or conducting online prospecting activities, you've probably noticed that most potential leads don't respond to...

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B2B Marketing Social selling

Helena Markowska-Fulara

Czas lektury: 5 min

Changes in the LinkedIn Algorithm: 5 Things You Should Know

If you're building a company or personal brand on LinkedIn, you've probably heard about its algorithm, which can determine the success of your posts. Not only do we know little about it, but there...

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HubSpot HubSpot CMS

Max Vorozhtsov

Czas lektury: 10 min

Multi-language Website in HubSpot CMS

When your business is expanding into a broader market, you may need to provide additional language versions for your website content. The good news is that HubSpot offers one of the best...

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B2B Marketing Digital Selling Strategy

Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 6 min

Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) - What, Why, How?

It's no secret that effective marketing requires a good understanding of customers. The Ideal Customer Profile is a tool particularly useful in B2B marketing. A well-developed ICP can significantly...

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Jarosław Czyżewski

Czas lektury: 7 min

Full Success. Sales and Customer Service Integration in Service Hub

The client interacts with multiple individuals within a company. During their interactions, the quality of service matters more than how responsibility for individual tasks is divided within the...

Najnowszy post

Max Vorozhtsov

Czas lektury: 6 min

HubSpot CMS for Lead Generation

Good utilization of the tools at hand allows for more efficient achievement of business goals. HubSpot CMS is not just a platform for building and managing websites, but also a set of features that...

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